Email Setup / Migration Needed Information for Mailbox Creation Needed Information for Mailbox Set Up Name*Email* Phone*Email domain name.*Do you have access to your DNS?*The DNS is the location that points your domain to the proper IP address for your website and email services. It can reside with the domain's registrar or at another location, such as your website vendor's hosting service. It is not unusual to not have DNS access. AccuNet just needs to learn what you know so that we can research the missing pieces. Yes I have control over my domain and its DNS is at the registrar No. AccuNet will need to look up for me. I don't know. Time of day for email service set up*AccuNet prefers to switch email providers after 5p EST or on weekends to cut down the possibility of email getting lost as ISP update their routing. Please submit your preferred date and time or calendar window for the move. We will confirm by email.Webmail is available for all mailboxes.*Once set up on Rackmail, your mailbox email is available at (It operates lilke gmail or yahoo email.) Here you can view the email at the server and send messages. Please confirm you will communicate the new webmail login information to your email users. Yes, I'll make sure everyone knows the website address and their email login I want AccuNet to handle communicating with my domain's mailbox users and will pay the hourly fee. Other - explain below Further comments or explanationMailbox names and passwords*We need you to list every mailbox you want created and its password of 8 digits with upper/lower case and a number and/or special character. For example: julie@ Bestemployeeever$$ paul@ LuckyJulieWorksHere!!Alias list*Aliases are used for two reasons. One, it is a forwarding email address that lands in someone else's mailbox; like a former employee being forwarded to the replacement person. Two, it is used to send to a group as one way communication. We need you to list any aliases you have or want to be created. For each alias we need a list of every email address that is tied to them.Do you have any email users that currently use an email app like Outlook?* Yes, at least one person uses an email app and I have listed their email address below. No one will use an email app, we all will use webmail only. We have an "other" situation, explained below. List of email addresses that use an email app or explanation of "other" situation.AccuNet's email app support limitations*All POP and IMAP email account user's server settings will change with moving to RackMail. Have your email users log into to get the proper server settings for their desktop or mobile device. You can call AccuNet to confirm which settings are correct for your situation. However, we do charge for our time if asked to help or troubleshoot mailbox set up or editing an existing one. We use remote screen sharing in order to see the mailbox user's email account screen. Since we can not see a phone's screen, we can not help with phone set up beyond supplying the server settings. Most phone stores will help with set up. We do not need AccuNet support since we use webmail only. You understand that AccuNet will provide appropriate mail server information for you to use in self set up. You understand that AccuNet can assist in email app set up, but that it is billable time. You understand that all email users utilizing an email app will have that app stop working once the domain is moved to RackMail. Each user will need to edit their server settings before their app brings in the new mail. Migration of existing email at the mail server to RackMail.*If you use IMAP or Exchange service, then you will need your mailbox and its folders migrated. If not, all stored email is lost. The POP setting physically downloads your messages to your computer. Our webmail-only users need all their folders migrated and have listed their current mailbox addresses and passwords below. All mailboxes are currently POP, we do not need AccuNet to migrate any of our mailboxes. We need our IMAP/Exchange service mailboxes migrated and have listed their current mailbox addresses and passwords below. IMAP/Exchange mailbox and Webmail users and password listMigration of mailbox contacts is possible most of the time*In most instances AccuNet can export your mailbox contacts to be imported into your new webmail contacts. We can give you the spreadsheet of contacts for you to import into Outlook. We do not have the necessary Outlook expertise to offer Outlook support. We have no need for importing any contacts We need webmail contacts migrated for some of our mailboxes to the new webmail and have listed the mailboxes below. We will take the spreadsheet you provide and import contacts on our own to our Outlook Mailboxes that need their webmail contacts imported into the new email service.EXCHANGE ONLY: Exchange service migration of calendars not supportedAccuNet suggests an exchange experts consultation to move your calendar to our IMAP service. We do not have the experience to guarantee success. We will have our Exchange computer rep contact you for login info We do not need calendars moved Approval of fee*You understand that AccuNet does not charge to set up email at RackMail, but we do charge for our time in third part email app set up or migrating existing mailboxes to the service. While the migration should be < 30 minutes, it will jump to hours if we do not have a complete picture of how you are currently set up. I understand that I may be charged more than AccuNet's estimate if there is trouble with any mailbox. I do not need AccuNet to migrate our current mailboxes. We either don't want the email in the old mailboxes or we use POP so we have all needed email in our personal hard drives. Other - explain below "Other" explanationInformation AccuNet needs for successful move of your email that is not covered above.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ